Monday 8 November 2021

How to save richtextbox data to a text file in visual basic | Export dat...

How to save richtextbox data to a text file in visual basic | Export data to a text file or RTF file | How to save richtextbox content to a file in visual basic |Visual Basic 6 Step by Step Tutorial In the Part:1, we have demonstrated "How to Load data from a text file (RTF) to Richtextbox using Common Dialog Control and Richtextbox Control in Visual Basic" and How to Clear Rich Text Box Control. In Part:2, we have discussed about "How to save Richtextbox data to a Text File or RTF file". All steps are explained in detail,no step is skipped while making this video tutorial. Step by Step Tutorial Code Dim data As String Dim check As Integer Dim filename As String Private Sub Command1_Click() opendialog.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|RTf Files (*.rtf)|*.rtf|" opendialog.ShowOpen data = opendialog.filename ''check = Len(data) If opendialog.filename = "" Then MsgBox "You click on Cancel!! Kindly Select the file you want to load", vbOKOnly + vbCritical Else RichTextBox1.LoadFile (data) End If End Sub Private Sub findbtn_Click() opendialog.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|RTf Files (*.rtf)|*.rtf|" opendialog.ShowSave filename = opendialog.filename RichTextBox1.SaveFile filename, rtfText End Sub

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